Sunday, August 28, 2011


So I arrived at Harlaxton Manor less than 3 days ago, but I am already in love with it! I feel like so much of my life has changed in the last few days! I'm still finding my way around the manor house, but everything is starting to become more familiar.  I am living in the carriage house, which is just a short walk from the main house. I live with one other girl, Katelyn, and we seem to be getting along really well! The food here is.... different to say the least. Last night at our high table dinner was the first time I have felt full after a meal! Oh well, at least I can look at it as a good diet plan!

Classes start tomorrow, so we went into town yesterday to get the few essentials we needed. One thing I learned:  ASDA does not sell loose leaf notebook paper.  Something I really miss that surprised me is my shampoo and cosmetic stuff... it is all so different here!

Well we are headed over to the boutique to check out their Harlaxton apparel, so I'll have to leave it at that for now! I promise there are many more stories to come! Have a wonderful day!

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